Are you getting married soon? That is great! Congratulations! We hope that you have already organized everything related to the party.
If not, however, don’t worry. Usually, many points on the checklist remain unfulfilled until the last moment. The points are just too many! You have to start the whole event at least six months early, and even then there is no guarantee that you will get it all on time. Since you may be feeling a little nervous about this whole thing, we want to share a little piece of wisdom with you. Let yourself be amused at your own wedding! Try to have as much fun as you can! Enjoy every little moment because those moments will never bring you back. Don’t allow the stupid purely organizational aspects of the wedding to regulate your mood! Now we want to show you how much fun a wedding can be. We have put together 20 funny wedding pictures and look forward to presenting them to you. Take a look and let yourself be seduced by the magical atmosphere! 20 funny wedding pictures: now it really starts!
Either this is some expert photoshop work, or perfect timing because capturing that dolphin in the picture while it’s smiling is what makes this one of the best wedding pictures on the internet. Aquarium weddings are already famous, and this photo is bound to make them even more so.
What may not catch on is wearing a kilt to your wedding. However, this could be a traditional Scottish wedding, where it is customary and a point of honor to wear a kilt. This is often how Sottish men represent their clan tartan, which is represented by the pattern design on the kilt.
While wedding dresses with long tails look beautiful, they can be dangerous. Every bride knows that beauty comes with a price, and this particular bride is experiencing firsthand what it feels like to take a big risk. She told her father many times to watch out for her dress, but he has always been a bad listener.
At this moment, forever encaptured in this iconic picture, every woman at the church had a small heart attack. Though unaware of the troubles of wearing long dresses, the men seem to be cluelessly thinking everything’s still okay.

Three months of choosing the perfect dresses for the bride and bridesmaids. Countless hours at the hairdresser. Half a day to do everyone’s make-up just right. Weeks of Internet browsing just to find the right wedding photographer… And all of that disappeared in just a split second.
Yes, organizing a wedding is unimaginably harder than ruining a wedding. But despite this crazy mishap, we know everybody will be laughing again as soon as they change their high-fashion dresses for something comfier, such as a $10 tracksuit from the closest store.

While most brides go on a diet to lose some weight for their big day, some go the opposite direction and bulk up instead. And it looks like our girl in white here reached her goal right on schedule. We can’t deny that her figure looks bodybuilding show-ready, but something seems off.
It looks like she didn’t pick the best frock to match her shape at all. The spaghetti straps on her gown are quite prone to snapping under her bulging muslces. Oh well, what really matters is that she’s happy. Her groom sure is, judging by how he’s looking at his new wife’s toned arms.

This picture raises many questions. How she found herself in what seems to be a dorm room, downing what seems to be champagne with a tube, is unknown. It’s definitely a one-of-a-kind picture, and we bet that the story behind it is also unique.
Upon closer inspection, we can clearly see that she’s been crying since all of her makeup is running off. Unless, of course, it was intended to look like that, which we highly doubt. We can’t know if the ceremony was a success, but we can guess that this lady probably had a good reason to be drinking like that.

While there is a feast waiting for this bride at her reception, she’s probably had a long day, week, hell even month. So it’s fair to think that she probably only realized how little she’s eaten, and is desperate to fill her belly.
The alternative is she tried the Martha Stewart 21-day Pre Wedding Diet Plan, and now that she reached her goal, she wants to eat some real carbs and meat. The 21-day diet is all about resetting your body and detoxing, which sets off an early and dramatic weight loss.

Speaking of food, this bride seems to have taken matters into her own hands when the caterer told her they were short on food. Taking out her hunting rifle and camouflage hat for good measure, she set out for a quick hunt and got herself an extra bird to serve.
We have to admit; her skills are impressive. Look—not a spot of dirt on her gown! Still, we aren’t sure her guests would be too happy to find out that what they’re eating isn’t exactly store-bought poultry but a wild turkey straight from the woods.

Like we said before, every girl dreams of a wedding where everything is perfect. When you look at this vintage photo, you can tell that this bride is happy with how her bridal party has seamlessly synced with one another to create the perfect picture.
But wait, there’s still something strange about this photo. All bridesmaid’s dresses match… with the curtain in the background. Is that just a coincidence, or did they make a curtain with the left over dress material? Also, isn’t that little flower girl just rebelliously adorable in her non-curtain matching dress?